H+ and Bright Moments Gallery in Los Angeles Pioneer NFTs IRL
Founder Hannah Stouffer collaborates with curator Chanel Verdult for NFT live auction
The NFTs of H+ Creative have found a new home outside of the Metaverse, and will be showcased out in the open by Bright Moments Gallery in Los Angeles. H+ Creative, the woman-owned and operated artist representation firm and visual services studio, is pioneering the way through the ever-changing reality and the future of creative media through vibrantly executed imagery in 2D, 3D, CG, AR, and NFTs. Known for their roster of diverse, top-tier international artists, clients, and collaborators, founder Hannah Stouffer has partnered with Bright Moments Gallery curator Chanel Verdult to showcase over 23 different NFTs in a group gallery show of emerging artists -- pioneering the way NFTs can be viewed in a physical realm.
Stouffer has worked in numerous art fields as an illustrator, exhibiting artist, curator, and art writer, but with the desire to expand on her vision of what was possible in the art space, she founded H+ Creative back in 2015. A prominent theme of the firm is built upon transhumanism, a philosophy that is supportive of the future of technology and views human nature as a work-in-progress that can advance with the responsible use of science, technology, and other rational means. “Digital art has been completely reborn and validated for the first time, and with the support of collectors in the blockchain, I believe we’re going to keep pushing further in this direction,” Stouffer says. Bright Moments Gallery is also looking to expand beyond traditions found within the art world. Curator at Bright Moments Chanel Verdult is bridging NFTs and the physical gallery, all while going against the gallery business structure.

“At Bright Moments Gallery, our DAO celebrates the artist's process of creation in the NFT space. We present an immersive environment of live auctions, exhibitions and an after-party concept, think Andy Warhol’s Silver Factory meets Studio 54 with a twist. What I look forward to at Bright Moments is continuing to form an experience like no other, where our team creates the symbiosis of art shows, live auctions, live minting, and other experiential events that intersect the arts and technology across multi-disciplinary practices of art.” says Verdult.
As a longtime admirer of Stouffer’s work and roster of artists, Verdult is reinterpreting the way a gallery should be shaped in the twenty-first century, which is where NFTs come into frame. “I want to give Hannah the opportunity to curate a group show completely from her vision. And this is entirely 100 percent H+ Creative's vision,” says Verdult. “We'll be looking back at this show, knowing that these were pioneering artists in the scene, coming together and celebrating a collection at Bright Moments Gallery for the first time. At the moment NFT artists are still looking to show their work physically, and that's the beauty of Bright Moments Gallery, “ says Verdult. Both Verdult and Stouffer desire to build a community through visual media, pushing the boundaries of where digital art belongs.
“If anything, the digital opportunities bring us closer rather than divide us,” says Stouffer.
Art show & live auction on ZORA
A New Dawn curated by H+ Creative at Bright Moments Gallery
8-10 p.m. PDT Thursday, August 26 RSVP here
62 Windward Ave, Venice, CA